Older Men, Younger Women

Why do I need to be up this early!!!! Ugh!!!!! Well anyways, I went back to Northland yesterday from my internship out of sheer boredom and that my bestie works there. On the iron dragon I saw this,

I See White People

I have never seen so many white people Downtown. I felt a tad bombarded. I love me some white boys and all, but that was just too much for me, so I had to leave!

Back to what I planned on talking about, what's your opinion on Older Men, Younger Women. I've seen it as bad as an 18 year old girl and a 41 year old man (not me...uh...my friend). Out of the dateable years I have lived (3 total), I have had mostly men 5+ my age try and get on. I would like a younger man around my age, but they never seem to come my way. Is it me? Is it just that men have that "r. kelly syndrome" (yes, it is real) where younger is better?

My mind's tellin me no!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, before I get outta here, I need y'all opinion one mo' 'gain. do yall think this is cute? Let me know!!!!!

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Anonymous said...

Lol wth? whats wrong with white people? Im part white..it makes me kind of sad =[.

But the hair do is really cute.

i.can't.complain. said...

i heart older men

5-7 year max though

r.kelly is so fine with his nasty ass

the hair is cute

i love the soft waves and goddess curls.


arychtexas said...

i like the hair its mary j blidgish! but i like women my age or a lil older but older women are attracted to me!

arychtexas said...

lol at all the white people hahahahahaha!

Bretthead said...

Attention, an old whitey is in da house!! And here I am trying to hang out with -1- in the MSU Black Alumni Association - Sounds like I'm 8-10 years too old and too white!!

I like your blog!

Anonymous said...

It's not you..maybe sometimes YOUNGER men can lack maturity in a LOT of areas, don't get me wrong we're ALL growing but some points are just not measuring up as fast as it should...when it comes to younger guys. I personally don't go over 5 years---I'm 26. It's nothing wrong with the Older men and younger women by 5+...it just can become a "problem" when you go MUCH older than that, because AGE is suppose to bring a different experience---far as knowing life and have lived LIFE a tad more. That's just my thoughts though :)

ShardonaySays said...

i dont think there is anything wrong wit white people lol downtown detroit is so beautiful right now especially now that its warm and as long as i have been alive i never remember it looking so good so i guess everyone wants to enjoy it

Eb the Celeb said...

I have a 5 year rule... my mom had me young so anything older than that and I am disgusted because I feel like they can date my mom... I have only dated guys 1 year younger then me too so I dont think I am into be a cougar as of yet... I did have this 19 yo hit on me a couple months ago...and it was extremely weird.. I have a brother his age

and I am loving the hairdo

Muze said...

i like older men. the oldest i've gone is like 41. yeah, i know. lol.

i was 23 at the time. i think.

something about him just seemed so mature and 'grown up'.

didn't last though, of course.

Muze said...

the hair, cute.


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