Me On MY PhotoShop Ish!

I was bored at work, and Phonte of Little Brother sent this Barry White cover out via Twitter and wanted someone to photoshop him in.

Now I decided to put in my co-worker Nada cuz she wanted to be on the blog, and i threw in a brick to make it more realistic.

Dope, right?

This Guy Is Having Too Much Fun

Damn! Is That A Girl?

I'm not big on basketball other than the NBA, but this chick dunking had me ooohin' and ahhhin'. Her name is Brittney Griner, and she's still in high school. Check the video for yourself to see what the hype is about.

My Life Sucks!!!!

Dis been my face for the past month:

Working two jobs non stop and tryna manage school doesn't leave me much room to manage a blog. But I be tryin y'all!!!!!!

I got some new shoes!

Maybe next post I'll have something more interesting for y'all to read. :(

I Survived The Bush Administration

I'm SO getting this shirt!!!!

My New Crush!!!!!

Ain't nothin finer than a man with a brain!!!! I'm thinking bout relocating to ATL just to get a better chance.

My Friends

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