Inter-Faith Relationships?

Do they work? Could you see yourself in one?

UPDATE: An interfaith relationship is two folks who are dating but practicing different religions I.e. a Muslim and a Christian dating

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Anonymous said...

Please explain what that means, I slow =[

ShardonaySays said...
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Zay The Gr3at said...

Um, dating wise it could work, but as far as making it something serious, it can be quite difficult

Eb the Celeb said...

Thx for the definition because I had no idea what the was...

I would say no... religion and politics are the 2 things that people are passionate about and never compromise... both filter out into the way you live your life and your morals and values and I cant see you being able to make it work with a person that has a completely opposite view than yours in those regards

Cat Hill said...

Definitely not aginst my religion which is it will be too confusion...unfortunatly I've dated someone his parents were muslim but he didn't practice muslim...would never do it again...


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