Planika Fireplaces: Smoke-free Biofuel Fire

I am a big fan of fireplaces, but they require too much maintenance for my lazy self to ever deal with. but Planika Fireshave developed a Smoke Free Fireplace that runs off of a biofule called Fanola. Producing no smoke or smell only H20 and C02 at unharmful levels Fanola is comprised of plant origin material, has been touted as hygienic, and is a renewable energy source. The sheer ambiance and appeal of the Planika design is astounding let alone the coup de gras of a greener fire for the family. It's very safe, and if you have the dollars to afford it, I suggest you get one for your home right away!

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Rebecca V. O'Neal said...

thanks for checking out my blog - this fireplace is dope....

if i only had somewhere to put it lol

Otis said...

the fireplaces are damn sweet!!!



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